Click on the the profile images below to view their full profile.

Gregory Ambrosio
Greg’s work in the international arena follows his successful career on New York’s Wall Street, where he was involved in many facets of the capital markets. He was a Portfolio Manager, an Investment Banker and a Credit Analyst. As a Portfolio Manager, he managed a number of varied portfolios in the global markets. As an Investment Banker he worked with Dr. MacLeod in Saudi Arabia as Investment Advisor to the Kingdom, assisting in the introduction of yield curve analysis and active portfolio management. He also worked in Emerging Market Issuance.
Mr. Ambrosio is married and lives in North Carolina. He holds a B.A. in History and Economics and M.B.A. in Economics and Finance both from the Seton Hall University in South Orange, New Jersey.

John Aspden
John worked for the Bank of England for 15 years in a number of market supervisory positions. Subsequently, for over ten years he held a number of positions in Hong Kong where he was an adviser to the Hong Kong Banking Commission, Deputy General Manager at International Bank of Asia Ltd, and Managing Director of Matheson InvestNet Ltd.
John has participated in IMF FSAP missions to other countries, and has provided technical assistance to regulatory bodies under IMF, Toronto Centre, US Department of Justice and World Bank initiatives. He has recently participated in programmes organised by the World Bank to assist in the recovery of assets for conflict countries. John was appointed Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) in January 2016 for his work in financial services supervision.

Kathryn Bishop
Kathryn was appointed as the first Chairman of the Welsh Revenue Authority in April 2017, a new public body set up to collect taxes in Wales for the first time in 800 years, when some specific taxes are devolved to Wales. She served as a Civil Service Commissioner from 2012 to 2017, as one of 11 Commissioners in the UK with responsibility for regulating all appointments into the Civil Service. She has also held a number of non-executive directorships within Government, including at the UK Border Agency, part of the Home Office, The UK Intellectual Property Office and at the Welsh Assembly Government.
Before Oxford, Kathryn led and managed multi-million pound transformation programmes in various businesses and a number of merger projects in the financial services industry. From Accenture, where she specialised in financial services and change management, she joined BAT Industries and became HR Development Director at Allied Dunbar and went on to manage various large change projects for the Eagle Star Group. As a Director in Eagle Star’s Commercial business, she was responsible for a major transformation programme and for the merger of that business with Zurich Financial Services.
Kathryn has a BA (Hons) Summa Cum Laude from Wellesley College, USA, and an MPhil from Oxford.

Simon Chantry
After discovering Bitcoin in 2012, Simon co-founded and has held multiple roles with the firm including Director and COO, bringing the company’s blockchain based mobile money software suite mMoney to market in 4Q 2017.
Simon is a member of the OECD’s Blockchain Expert Policy Advisory Board (BEPAB), and has been a featured blockchain and DLT expert, speaker, and panelist at numerous government, regulatory, and technology centred forums including the OECD, GIABA, London Fintech Week, ADC Global Blockchain Summit, amongst others.
Simon is currently working to establish Central Bank Digital Currency standards and best practices to enable interoperability and effective CBDC project collaboration and participation amongst international Central Banks including the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank, Bitt’s most advanced CBDC project.
Simon is an advisor and partner in a number of blockchain-based fintech projects.

Professor Tim Cullen, MBE
Tim served as a Commissioner on the Financial Supervision Commission of the Isle of Man and was the founder and first Executive Director for the Small Countries Financial Management Centre (SCFMC). For his pro bono work on the creation and management of the SCFMC, he was made a Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) in the 2014 Queen’s Birthday Honours.
In 2022 Tim founded and is Chair of the trustees of the Isle of Man - St Vincent and the Grenadines Education Programme (ISEP), a privately funded Isle of Man charity that creates secondary and tertiary educational opportunities for students in the small Caribbean nation of St Vincent and the Grenadines. Tim is also Chairman of TCA Ltd, which teaches negotiation and governance/risk management programmes globally and worked for 21 years for the World Bank. Tim has an MA from Trinity College, University of Dublin.

Michael Gates
In 1997, Michael devised and implemented the world’s first online cross-cultural assessment and cultural data resource, CultureActive, which currently has a database of 100,000 users.
He has published articles on cross-cultural matters in numerous newspapers and magazines, including the Daily Telegraph, La Tribune, People Management and the HR Director.
Michael has an MA in English Language and Literature from St Catherine’s College, Oxford.

Nicola Guffogg
Nicola’s career started at the London law firm, Slaughter and May, where she qualified as a solicitor in their tax department. In 1997 Nicola moved to Barclays Bank PLC where she had a variety of tax planning, advisory and managerial roles; gaining broad experience working with the full range of financial services businesses within the Barclays worldwide group.
From Barclays she moved to the Isle of Man to take up the post of Deputy Assessor of Income Tax in 2007. She has played a key role in the Division and in the development of the Island’s tax regime and its international reputation.
She was appointed Assessor of Income Tax (Head of the Income Tax Division) in 2013. She has responsibility for the administration of and policy in relation to direct tax and national insurance contributions.
Nicola sits on the Steering Group of the OECD Global Forum on Tax Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes, and is one of its expert assessors.

Dr Rory Macleod
He is especially interested in the debt dynamics of monoline oil producers.
Prior to running his own consultancy, Rory was Head of Fixed Income and Currency at Baring Asset Management (1997-2003), Head of Global Fixed Income at Mercury Asset Management (1991-1997) and resident adviser at SAMA in Riyadh (1985-1989). He was Lecturer in Politics at Mansfield College, Oxford from 1976-1978.
He is the co-author with Ahmed Banafe of : The Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency 1952-2016-Central Bank of Oil (Palgrave Macmillan 2017).
Rory has been an annual speaker since 2009 at the Isle of Man (UK) Small Countries Financial Management Programme (SCFMP).

Richard Pratt

David Trevaskis
David is fascinated by interpersonal communication, he combines his skills as a director with his experience in the business world to offer a unique insight into how we build our messages and how they are received. David works in a practical way utilising the power of experiential learning. He works with groups and individuals – both face-to-face and virtually – to fine tune their message and deliver it in a powerful and authentic way, ensuring they land their key message.
David has a degree in Theology from the University of St Andrews and a Post Graduate Certificate in Professional Acting from the Academy of Live and Recorded Arts. He worked at Bupa for ten years in business development and training and now works at board level with major multi-national clients. He has worked throughout Europe, the Middle East, Asia and north America.

Dr Dirk Willem te Velde
He was a specialist advisor to the UK House of Commons Inquiry into the future of the development finance and on CDC reform and to the UK House of Commons Trading out of Poverty Group. He has written extensively on G20 and development, facilitating a range of high-level G20-Commonwealth meetings.
His research features regularly in the Economist, Financial Times, Guardian, China Daily and other media. He has advised donor agencies (e.g. DFID, Sida, and Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Gates Foundation), developing country governments (e.g. Belize, Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Nepal, Mauritius, St Lucia,) and multilateral bodies (e.g. World Bank, Commonwealth, European Commission, UNCTAD, UNDESA, UNIDO, ILO, AsDB, WTO).
He has written and edited a dozen books (incl. Growth strategies for small states in a globalising world: the role of Knowledge-based and Service Industries, published by the Commonwealth), 30 peer reviewed articles and 40 book chapters related mainly to investment, trade and growth issues.
He holds a PhD from Birkbeck College, University of London.

Hanzo van Beusekom
From 2011 until 1 June 2018, Van Beusekom was a partner at a strategic consultancy specialising in strengthening supervision. He has supported more than twenty supervisory organisations in the Netherlands and internationally.
Hanzo van Beusekom previously worked at the AFM from 2003 to 2010, as head of the Supervision Group for major financial institutions and head of Strategic Analysis. Before that, he was a strategy consultant at The Boston Consulting Group. Upon his return at the AFM, Van Beusekom focussed on cross-sector supervision and renewal, with a particular focus on data- and technology-driven supervision. From 1 September 2019 to 1 February 2020, he was acting chair of the Executive Board.
He has a particular interest in contributing to organisations that create public value. In this, his focus is on change that enhances these organisations’ effectiveness. Van Beusekom studied economics in Amsterdam and obtained an MBA at INSEAD in Fontainebleau.
Hanzo van Beusekom is married and has two children.